To Heal a Broken Planet – Book one of the Healer's Apprentice Series

To Heal a Broken Planet
314 Pages
Indie Published (Createspace)
ISBN 1522830642

What happens when you mix a regressed society, a former space colony recovering from a long ago disaster, with an off-world group searching for new medicines (and maybe old answers)?

Add the indigenous, telepathic "little people" to the mix, throw in a society of psychic healers, and maybe a cat with interesting friends. Narrow the focus to a special child who may or may not be the child of prophecy but at least has connections to all the others.

The fate of her world may depend on the child learning the secrets of her past—if the darkest secret doesn't catch up with her first.

Janice Clark

About Janice Clark (Lewis County, Washington Author)

Janice Clark

Janice Clark lives in the semi-rural community of Gate, Washington (west of Rochester) where the morning fog drifting over the coastal hills could easily conceal a dragon or two. She does not currently own (or is not owned by) a cat or other non-human, but she and her brother share their partially wooded property with deer, raccoons, a few feral cats, and many smaller animals. They suspect there are more mystical creatures lurking unseen in the woods.

She writes a little bit of everything, including poetry and inspirational works, an eclectic assortment of short stories, and the Hall of Doors children’s fantasy series. She recently completed the third book in the Healer's Apprentice series, YA science fiction novels following the adventures of Teeka, a street orphan turned apprentice healer, who becomes the catalyst to bring at least a tentative peace to her warring planet.